Aug 7, 2011

Negative Nancy, Go Home!

Sometimes I get so frustrated when I read what people say about their kids, families, husbands ect.  At times it's just down right annoying... I'm not saying that absolutely no one can vent, or complain about anything in their life, and shitting rainbows and butterflies are the way to go. No sir.  I like to complain or bitch, it's one of my specialties.  What I am saying is simply this:


You are making an ass out of yourself when you bitch about your husband/wife and how big of a dick he/she is to you and how he receives but there's no giving back, boo hoo, you know who you are. 1. No one gives a shit that you want to be a pissy patty.  2.  Get over yourself! - I love my husband to the moon and times over.  Is he perfect? NO.  Do we have our disagreements? YES.  But I do not talk shit on him and make him look like he's the dirt under my shoes.  He's my equal, my other half, my best friend, and my soul mate.  Yes, sometimes I complain about the silly things he does that frustrate me but at the end of the day I still love him more than ever.   If anything I put him on a pedestal for many things;  being the man in my life, the things he has done and sacrificed for this country.  Just because your spouse hasn't fought for this country still doesn't give you an excuse or the right to treat them like crap either.  They took you as their own, maybe even took in kids that aren't even theirs, maybe you have children together, they provides for your family, and work hard to make a living or to keep the household running at a normal pace.  If anything you should be worshiping the ground they walk on.  Do your wifely/husband duties and Honor and Obey. And for God's sake, wo/man, stop taking your husband/wife for granted!!!

Complaining about your children is my biggest pet-peeve... And that goes for anything that has to do with children...  I'll keep this short and sweet, not everyone has the luxury of children, and sometimes when these people see you treating or talking to your children badly, they get very angry.  You look like ignorant scum and you are definitely not teaching your children good morals or characteristics.  Children learn by example, what example do you think you are?  And this also goes for your "baby daddy/mama drama"    Even though you may not know it, surfacing this drama still affects your kids.  Grow up and be the bigger parent.  Who gives a shit if you're not getting child support, or the kids never see the other parent. That just shows who's classier, unless you cause more drama, or bitch about it to everyone, well then that's not classy at all!

In conclusion, I just think that the problem with society today, is that most people really need a humbling.  -Humble, adj. 1. Not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful: courteously respectful- They should be grateful for what they have because somewhere out there, there is ALWAYS someone who has it worse....  Always someone out there who longs to see their husband everyday, who worries day and night if they will ever see their husband again. And there's always someone out there who wishes she could just hold her child in her arms again, just waiting for the day they meet again.

So I guess what I am trying to say is just:
DON'T TAKE ANYTHING IN LIFE FOR GRANTED! Embrace it, it's not worth the drama.

As always, Thanks for tuning in-

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