Aug 7, 2011

Negative Nancy, Go Home!

Sometimes I get so frustrated when I read what people say about their kids, families, husbands ect.  At times it's just down right annoying... I'm not saying that absolutely no one can vent, or complain about anything in their life, and shitting rainbows and butterflies are the way to go. No sir.  I like to complain or bitch, it's one of my specialties.  What I am saying is simply this:


You are making an ass out of yourself when you bitch about your husband/wife and how big of a dick he/she is to you and how he receives but there's no giving back, boo hoo, you know who you are. 1. No one gives a shit that you want to be a pissy patty.  2.  Get over yourself! - I love my husband to the moon and times over.  Is he perfect? NO.  Do we have our disagreements? YES.  But I do not talk shit on him and make him look like he's the dirt under my shoes.  He's my equal, my other half, my best friend, and my soul mate.  Yes, sometimes I complain about the silly things he does that frustrate me but at the end of the day I still love him more than ever.   If anything I put him on a pedestal for many things;  being the man in my life, the things he has done and sacrificed for this country.  Just because your spouse hasn't fought for this country still doesn't give you an excuse or the right to treat them like crap either.  They took you as their own, maybe even took in kids that aren't even theirs, maybe you have children together, they provides for your family, and work hard to make a living or to keep the household running at a normal pace.  If anything you should be worshiping the ground they walk on.  Do your wifely/husband duties and Honor and Obey. And for God's sake, wo/man, stop taking your husband/wife for granted!!!

Complaining about your children is my biggest pet-peeve... And that goes for anything that has to do with children...  I'll keep this short and sweet, not everyone has the luxury of children, and sometimes when these people see you treating or talking to your children badly, they get very angry.  You look like ignorant scum and you are definitely not teaching your children good morals or characteristics.  Children learn by example, what example do you think you are?  And this also goes for your "baby daddy/mama drama"    Even though you may not know it, surfacing this drama still affects your kids.  Grow up and be the bigger parent.  Who gives a shit if you're not getting child support, or the kids never see the other parent. That just shows who's classier, unless you cause more drama, or bitch about it to everyone, well then that's not classy at all!

In conclusion, I just think that the problem with society today, is that most people really need a humbling.  -Humble, adj. 1. Not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful: courteously respectful- They should be grateful for what they have because somewhere out there, there is ALWAYS someone who has it worse....  Always someone out there who longs to see their husband everyday, who worries day and night if they will ever see their husband again. And there's always someone out there who wishes she could just hold her child in her arms again, just waiting for the day they meet again.

So I guess what I am trying to say is just:
DON'T TAKE ANYTHING IN LIFE FOR GRANTED! Embrace it, it's not worth the drama.

As always, Thanks for tuning in-

Jun 14, 2011

The Burtality of my Honesty

I guess you can say that I am a brutally honest person.  Apparently, at times, being this way gets me into trouble.  Or at least it is offensive to particular people who cannot take anything I say with a grain of salt.  That is just the kind of person I am. For those getting to know me, have probably figured it out already, and those who have known me for years are aware and accept that I am, indeed, an outspoken person. I am brash but I am not fake, so I feel like I shouldn't have to accomodate someone else and sugar coat what I have to say because to me, that is being a fake person... If you must sugar coat something for the sake of others feelings, that is not being true to yourself or anyone else for that matter. I'm not saying that I relish in hurting someone's feelings, but what I am saying is that when it comes to expressing my feelings, I'm not going to hold back and I will express how I feel because I am that kind of person... If that is something that another does not fancy, then they should take it or leave because I'm not going to change who I am as person because they cannot take my feelings with a grain of salt.  Whether anyone likes it or not, I'm still going to do ME. However, taking everything I say and annalyzing it or twisting it around to make me look like a horrible person probably isn't wise either... I express my feelings about a plethora of different subjects, what can I say, I'm a very opinionated person.  But if you sit there and take every little thing that I have ever said, knit pick at it and annalyze it because for some reason you think there is some kind of hidden meaning in there somewhere, then you're wasting your time.  I say what I mean and I mean what I say, and there ARE NO HIDDEN FEES!  If I confide in  you and complain about something or someone, then don't assume that what I said about that particular something/someone applies to you! It probably has nothing to do with you, so don't for one second get a guilty conscience and think that I would think the exact same thing about you.  That's rediculous!  And we all know where "assuming" gets you, and if not let me tell you.  When you assume something, all it does is make an "Ass" out of "U" and "ME".  Or taking something I said 2 years ago and turning it around to make it about you.  Something that had absolutely nothing to do with you at all, you weren't even there, I just told you the story because it was about a shop owner treating valued customers like shit.  But for some reason, even that can be twisted and misconstrued to be about one's self.  I really don't understand how that even comes into play.  But from now on, I choose who I say what to... From now on, certain people I confided in will no longer get their ear full, even though they too fill mine with nonsense and expression of their own opinion, I will no longer express any such thing to them... It is too tiring if I will have to go back through every single thing that I said months, even years, ago and explain because they sat on every word and made it about them.  No, from now on I will only be cordial to people of this nature and keep my opinions to myself.  It's not worth my time.  They probably won't like it, but you reap what you sew.  I treasure my friends, and listen to everything they have to say with an optimistic attitude because I put their feelings first, especially if they have strong feelings on a certain subject.  I never twist and alter their words to be about me.  And I can't believe a friend would do that to me... But what's done is done, and I'm moving on.  They will probably think I'm quite a boring person with nothing to say... I have lots to say, just not to them! We will see how far their gossip goes, when I don't produce any opinions anymore! Wahahaha

Thanks for tuning in-
And remember, Don't Get it Twisted!

Jun 7, 2011

Wa Wa Wa Weight Watchers??????

Well I finally caved and joined weight watchers for a whopping 17 bucks a month... Aye Aye Aye what the hell have I gotten myself into?!!! It's okay though, it's gonna work out... My main problem is control... I'm the epitome of a Foodie. I love me some good food... And I'll eat me some good food... 'Til I can no longer see me some good food! I'm not kidding... I have a problem with stopping when I'm satisfied.  Hell, I have a problem stopping when I'm overly full! So that is the main reason I joined.  That and I need to shed a few unwanted pounds.. But mainly to help with my portion control because mine, is out of control! My workout routine is pretty good, but the food is holding me back... Another thing that is holding me back is the support system.. Or, lack there of!  I have a buddy for workouts, but that only goes so far when there is no effort put forth to keep me motivated and wanting to continue.  In fact I got into a fight about it with this buddy yesterday... I just let it all out on the table, that I was pissed, and not satisfied with our so called pitiful workout plan, or like I have mentioned "lack there of".  So I turned to a new leaf, and joined a community where I can pick and choose the friends, groups, and challenges... I can pick friends who are in similar to myself. ie: Military wives, Marine Corps wives in particular, and a different bread of woman that are very important to me and are more than likely feeling and going through what I am going through, Infant Loss mothers.  I think all in all the support system that WW provides will be better in the long run than what I've got going on now...  First week with WW and it's been pretty interesting in the first 3 days. So far so good... But then again... It's only Day 3! Hopefully I can stick with it, change my lifestyle, get my portion habit under control, and make amazing friends as I go.  I guess what I'm trying to say is; Wish me LUCK!

Thanks for tuning in!
-Mai Tai

May 15, 2011

Just kiddddddding

I've notice that in a couple of recent blogs, I keep telling my readers to 'look for more blogs' or 'I'm going to be blogging more'..  Well, JUST KIDDDDDDDDING! Okay, I wasn't just kidding really, but it seems that I've became one of those "Fibbers".  I fibbed... I know horrible... I've been meaning to get at this damn thing, but I just keep finding myself busy... Well not really busy, just wrapped up in my makeup... I've been obsessed with coming up with new looks.  What did you say? Convert my makeup into my blogs?!! What a marvelous idea! I'd say I get on that but I'd just be kidddddding! Maybe I'll try it.. Then I can do both AT THE SAME TIMMMMMME! Come one  Mai get on it! On the bright side, I've been making money from my makeup... That's always fun... Okay, I'll try to blog to my bloggity more! Gah, get off my back!

As always- Thanks for tuning in!

Love you all!

Apr 11, 2011

The Vultures of Facebook

Have you ever noticed that everyone is a vulture on Facebook?  I thought that Facebook was a social network to get in touch with people in your lives that you don't get to see anymore, and to catch up with good friends.  These days, it's nothing but a hole full of drama trying to suck you in and never letting go.  More people are there to bash one another back and forth than they are to be happy for the other.  Most people are full of envy and just don't want to see anyone else happy but themselves, so the best thing they can come up with is to dog them on site.  I know, I have no room to talk, for I too have fell victim to the malicious game of Facebook! I started letting FB control me instead of me controlling my FB.  It's pathetic really.  I found myself checking it everyday several times a day.  And for what? To check out the latest gossip of who was fighting with who that day.  I'm not saying that everyone's life should be full of rainbows and butterflies, because I know that people just have down right bad days... That's fine... Complain about your bad days, but stop trash talking other people... It's just a horrible habit that people start to fall under because their peers are doing it, and I am Exhibit A falling under the pressure of my peers.  So you want to know what I did? I deactivated my FB account!!! That's right, you read right!!!! I D.E.Activated the damn thing!  Just for a few days, until I can fully function a full day without it... I honestly think it's for the best... Those FBVultures are nothing but trouble! Let me tell you though, it's been hard! I've found myself numerous times already trying to go to my ap on my phone, but luckily it doesn't log me in automatically anymore, so that's a sign that says, "Hey,  you don't need to be on here." I'ts helped, but I admit I'm having a little withdrawals, and it's only been an hour or so.... But that's okay, that's what I need... I need to do a lot of "self reflecting" anyhow... I don't like the person I have become.... I'm not the feisty, hold nothing back, speak her mind kinda girl lately, and that's just not me... So I think this time off FB will help me find me again as well.  Drama free, and me again! That's what I'm looking for! And by the time I log back on to the ol' FB page, I'll be a new person, new positive person I should say!

In the mean time, look for more blogs! I plan on doing that a lot more, now that there's no distraction!

Thanks for tuning in!! -And remember, if FB has you down, just don't log in or delete it for a couple days, it wouldn't hurt to self reflect yourself either!!!


Feb 20, 2011

Wicked Stepmother

 I really can't stand mine... Better known as my father's wife.  "Wicked Stepmother" is too much of a compliment...  She has litterally kept me from being in my younger sister's life during her Senior year of high school... Had she not caused drama with me, I wouldn't be standing here as angry as I am... But here I am, pissed the fuck off! I wish I had one of those apples that everyone seems to have in every classical Disney movie... That would definitely come in handy... But life goes on... I stear clear, and live my life to the fullest without the Wicked...  I do wish like every fairy tale ending, that I will indeed have my sister back in my life for good... In this scenario, patience is a virtue!

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