Jul 26, 2012

Preterm Labor and the Arrival of our Double Rainbow

Well, we are finally home after a long and trying month...  On June 19th at around 5 pm, while talking to a friend on the phone and eating a batch of chocolate covered strawberries made by my neighbor, I went into early labor... 7 and a half weeks early.   Apparently Baby A had ruptured her sac a few days prior and I just thought it was the case of 'urine incompetence'.  Not actually knowing that I was even in labor, I went to the bathroom and realized that my so called 'urine incompetence' had changed to a dark forresty green color.  I immediately knew something was wrong and hung up the phone to call my husband.  As flashbacks of the twins' older brother Raiden poured in my head, I began to panic. I couldn't afford, mentally, to lose another child let alone two.

After my husband got home, we rushed to the hospital and went straight to labor and delivery, and the nurses called my doctor. After a few hours of membrane tests and making sure the babies were okay, it was confirmed, Meconium Aspiration...  After Baby A ruptured her sac, she had a bowel movement and that is what the dark green stuff I saw upon going to the bathroom.  I was given Magnesium to slow the labor and given some more steroids for the girls, even though I had previous steroid shots for their lung development, we wanted to play the safe card.  I was then sent an hour away to a bigger hospital that had a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.   It was the waiting game for the rest of the night and most of the next day...

Besides the experience we had with Raiden, this was the most scariest thing that my husband and I had to face and I think there were a few people who didn't realize how serious of a situation we were in.  There was a chance we could have lost one of the babies or even both and it wasn't the time to celebrate...

Almost 24 hours later, the doctor decided that the Magnesium wasn't slowing the labor down much and we decided to go ahead and deliver.  On June 20, 2012 I delivered two beautiful baby girls, naturally- there was no c-section performed!

After an hour of pushing,  at 9:53 pm,  Achara Chomli (named after my great great grandma, Chomli) was born, weighing in at 4 lbs 6 oz and 17 inches long.  She was immediately put on oxygen, she couldn't breath on her own because of the Meconium Aspiration.

10 minutes later, at 10:12 pm, Phailin Sueni ( pronounced Py-Lin, and Sueni is my middle name as well) was born, weighing in at 3 lbs 9 oz. and 16 inches long.

We then spent 3 and a half long, emotional, exhausting weeks in the NICU... And was able to bring our Double Rainbow home on July 12...  The transition was an interesting one.  We had to learn to do things on our own without nurses and doctors doing anything... But it was definitely nice to finally feel like the nurses and doctors weren't breathing down our necks all the time.  We finally felt free! We are now home and have begun our adventurous journey as a new family... A family of 4 +1 in Heaven = 5!

Thanks for tuning in, and I would also like to thank everyone for all the thoughts and prayers along the way.... We definitely needed them! And you are more than appreciated than you will ever know!!!!

Mai and the girls!

May 24, 2012

26 AND 27 Weeks!

So I've gotten a little behind on my posts.  I've managed to take my weekly photos and fill out the journal, just haven't been able to get it together and get it all up on here.  So I'm posting a 2 for 1 where you get last weeks AND the week before! Sorry for the delay! This week will be up in a few days! Enjoy!

26 Weeks-

How far along? 26 Weeks 6 Days
Maternity clothes?  Need to get some more short sleeves and sleeveless.
Stretch marks? Getting a little more..UGH  Starting to look like I got stuck in a rose bush- never seen stretch marks go all sorts of different ways like this.. Not cool!
Sleep: All the moving into the new house has made me sleepy. 
Best moment this week:  Just being settled into the new house has been great!  
Miss Anything?  Being able to do physical activities especially after moving, it’s hard to move while you’re limited to what you can do. This high-risk stuff is for the birds!  
Movement: My belly looks like I have aliens in there when they move!       
Food cravings: No cravings this week    
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope, been good this week.
Have you started to show yet?  I’m having TWINS, I’m beyond showing…
Symptoms:  Growing like a weed! Little backache, off balance, random hair growth in places I didn’t even know could grow hair-eww, shortness of breath.
Gender:  GIRLS!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? I have officially lost all hope for my poor belly button!
Are wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have been pretty happy this week, considering all the stress from moving the week before.
Looking forward to: Project Nursery.       
Milestones: This week their lungs and brain are much more developed and they can hear more outside noises.  They are approximately 14 inches,  the size of Hothouse Cucumbers, and are around 1.75 pound apiece.

27 Weeks-

How far along? 27 Weeks 6 Days
Maternity clothes?  I still need to get some more short sleeves and sleeveless.
Stretch marks? Slowly Fading!! Yay! I bought some of this cream called Maderma and it is actually working! Thank goodness!  
Sleep: Been really busy the past 3 weeks, so I’ve been sleeping pretty good!   
Best moment this week:  Getting the nursery painted!  And Mother’s Day of course!
Miss Anything?  Don’t really think I’ve missed anything this week, being busy has helped keep my mind off of things like that!   
Movement: My belly looks like I have aliens in there when they move!       
Food cravings: Fried Zucchini!     
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope, been good this week.
Have you started to show yet?  I’m having TWINS, I’m beyond showing…
Symptoms:  Growing like a weed! Little backache, off balance, random hair growth in places I didn’t even know could grow hair.  This is also the beginning of the THIRD Trimester!  
Gender:  GIRLS!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? I have officially lost all hope for my poor belly button!
Are wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: realllllllllllly happy!
Looking forward to: Project Nursery.       
Milestones: This week they look like a thinner, redder, more wrinkled version of what they will look like at birth.  Their immune systems are continuing to mature as are their lungs!  They are approximately 14.5 inches, and are around 2 pounds apiece, the same as Cauliflower.

Thoughts from Daddy: I’m tired of painting. But Mothers Day went off without a hitch… Almost. So I hope Mommy liked it!

May 6, 2012

25 Weeks

How far along? 25 Weeks 6 Days
Maternity clothes?  Need to get some more short sleeves and sleeveless.
Stretch marks? Getting a little more..UGH  Starting to look like I got stuck in a rose bush- never seen stretch marks go all sorts of different ways like this.. Not cool!
Sleep: Sleep has been abundant this week, thanks to moving.  It’s exhausted me!  
Best moment this week:  Getting settled into our new house after moving! It’s a nice relief!
Miss Anything?  Being able to do physical activities especially after moving, it’s hard to move while you’re limited to what you can do. This high-risk stuff is for the birds!  
Movement: My belly looks like I have aliens in there when they move!       
Food cravings: Dr. Pepper.    
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope, been good this week.
Have you started to show yet?  I’m having TWINS, I’m beyond showing…
Symptoms:  Growing like a weed! Little backache, off balance, random hair growth in places I didn’t even know could grow hair-eww, shortness of breath.
Gender:  GIRLS!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? I have officially lost all hope for my poor belly button!
Are wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have been pretty happy this week, considering all the stress from moving.
Looking forward to: Starting the nursery, the cribs finally arrived yesterday!!!       
Milestones: This week there is more hair growth, developing texture and color this week! Their baby fat is continuing to fill in their wrinkled skin for a smoother look. They are approximately 13.5 inches and weigh the same as a Rutabaga, which is around 1.5 pound apiece.

Thoughts from Daddy: Cribs and nursery furniture got here super fast and I am not looking forward to putting it all together! 

Apr 28, 2012

24 Weeks

How far along? 24 Weeks 6 Days
Maternity clothes?  Need to get some more short sleeves and sleeveless.
Stretch marks? Getting a little more.. UGH
Sleep: Been sleeping great throughout the night.  Haven’t really been napping during the day as much, but when I get in the car, I’m out!
Best moment this week:  Our Dr. appointment.  Everything is looking good ie. blood pressure, weight, both babies size, fluid, placenta ect.
Miss Anything? I said this last week but being able to do physical activities.  This high-risk stuff is for the birds!  
Movement: My belly looks like I have aliens in there when they move!       
Food cravings: Dr. Pepper.    
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope, been good this week.
Have you started to show yet?  I’m having TWINS, I’m beyond showing…
Symptoms:  Growing like a weed! Little backache, off balance, random hair growth in places I didn’t even know could grow hair-eww, shortness of breath.
Gender:  GIRLS!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? I have officially lost all hope for my poor belly button!
Are wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have been pretty happy this week, considering all the stress.
Looking forward to: Starting the nursery!        
Milestones: Their lungs are rapidly growing this week. They are approximately 12.5 inches and the size of Corn Cobs and weigh around 1.25 pound apiece.

Thoughts from Daddy: I’m looking forward to getting all of our nursery furniture in and set up. I’m also super stoked that we were able to get a good house before the girls arrive. Next month I will be looking in to buying more rifles and ammo lol. 

Apr 20, 2012


So after lots of poking and prodding to get Baby A in the right position so we can have a glimpse of the goods and then a long debate on whether or not we should even share our 'big surprise', we decided to share the news with you.  Here it is... The moment you all have been impatiently waiting for!!!!!

What's it going to be???? 








(The two "It's a Girl" custom art were made by a friend at Lazy J Custom Home Decor! Check her out here) https://www.facebook.com/Lazyjcustoms 

Apr 19, 2012

23 Weeks

How far along? 23 Weeks 5 Days
Maternity clothes?  Need to get some more short sleeves and sleeveless.
Stretch marks? Had a handful pop up this week. How depressing!
Sleep: Been sleeping great throughout the night.  Haven’t really been napping during the day as much, but when I get in the car, I’m out!
Best moment this week:  By far the 4D ultrasound.  It was the best entertainment ever!  They spent the whole 2 hours kicking each other in the face. Haha 
Miss Anything? I said this last week but being able to do physical activities.  This high-risk stuff is for the birds!  
Movement: Lots and lots, they are little soccer players or something!       
Food cravings: None really this week.    
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Morning sickness this morning but I think it was because I got out of bed too fast.         
Have you started to show yet?  I’m having TWINS, I’m beyond showing…
Symptoms:  Growing like a weed! Little backache, off balance, random hair growth in places I didn’t even know could grow hair-eww, shortness of breath.
Gender:  TBA
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? I have officially lost all hope for my poor belly button!
Are wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: My mood was off and on this week.  One minute I was extremely happy, and then the next I was very stressed, and then right back to happy.     
Looking forward to: Doctor appointment next week.       
Milestones:  They are approximately 11.5 inches and the size of large coconuts and weigh around 1.1 pound apiece.

Thoughts from Daddy: I just can’t believe all of the movement we saw in the 4D. They were nonstop, fighting and battling. 

Apr 13, 2012

22 Weeks

How far along? 22 Weeks 6 Days
Maternity clothes?  Some of my maternity shirts are shrinking…. Oh wait that was just the husband shrinking them in the wash!  
Stretch marks? A couple little one’s popping up.
Sleep: Been sleeping great throughout the night.  Haven’t really been napping during the day as much, but when I get in the car, I’m out!
Best moment this week:  Kicks!  
Miss Anything? I said this last week but being able to do physical activities.  This high-risk stuff is for the birds!  
Movement: Had one of the hardest kicks a few nights ago and luckily the husband got to feel it before it stopped!      
Food cravings: Ham n Cheese Hot Pockets.   
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nosir!        
Have you started to show yet?  I’m having TWINS, I’m beyond showing…
Symptoms:  Growing like a weed! Little backache, off balance, random hair growth in places I didn’t even know could grow hair-eww, shortness of breath.
Gender:  TBA
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? I have officially lost all hope for my poor belly button!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Compared to last week I have risen out of my depression slump! Things are looking up for the rest of the month! I’m excited to see it through!    
Looking forward to: My Birthday next week, and of course we get to see the Womb Mates again on Wednesday but this time in 4 dimensions and we can’t wait!      

Milestones:  This week, their senses are really developing.  Nerve endings are developed enough for the babies to experience the sensation of touch.  They are approximately 11 inches and the size of Spaghetti Squash and weigh around 1 pound apiece. 

Thoughts from Daddy: I’m really excited about seeing the babies in 4D as well. Although, at the next doc appointment I think I’m going to have to express my growing concerns for my wife’s lack of room inside lol.

Apr 6, 2012

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 Weeks 6 Days
Maternity clothes?  Yes!
Stretch marks? A couple little one’s popping up.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good throughout the night, not many bathroom trips.
Best moment this week:  It’s really just been a miserable week all around.
Miss Anything? Being able to do physical activities.  This high-risk stuff is for the birds!  
Movement: Been kicking like crazy the last 3 days, nonstop.      
Food cravings: Chocolate donuts.   
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nosir!        
Have you started to show yet?  I’m having TWINS, I’m beyond showing…
Symptoms:  Growing like a weed! Little backache, off balance.
Gender:  TBA
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Half exists while the other half has been missing.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty depressed this week, hopefully we won’t have a repeat next week.   
Looking forward to: My next appointment of course!     
Milestones:  This week, they will begin to swallow amniotic fluid and absorb small amounts of sugar.  However, most of their nutrients are still delivered from the placenta. They are approximately 10.5 inches and the size of Bananas and weigh around 12.7 oz apiece. 

Thoughts from Daddy: I’m just pretty thankful for her cravings i.e. the chocolate donuts. Lol Most of her cravings coincide with things I also enjoy, so I’m all smiles. No weird stuff this time. (yet)

Mar 29, 2012

20 Weeks

How far along? 20 Weeks 5 Days
Maternity clothes?  Yes!
Stretch marks? Only the ones from the previous, so far.
Sleep:  No naps this week but been sleeping like a baby throughout the night!   
Best moment this week:  John finally got to feel some kicks!!!!! We also got to see them again today!  Everything looks great! They looked like they were plotting an escape plan though, they were both head down, silly babies need to stay in there for a while! Their hearts looked good, their cords were pulsating wonderfully, fluid looks aplenty, and placenta looks great. Got to see the lens in Baby B’s eye, that was super cool! Baby A seems to be as lazy as it ever was haha.
Miss Anything? I really had a great week this week so I didn’t have time to miss anything! I guess that’s a good thing!   
Movement: A little more everyday! Daddy finally felt some kicks!     
Food cravings: Really wanted something sweet, but was having trouble trying to figure out what that was.  
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nosir!        
Have you started to show yet?  I’m having TWINS, I’m beyond showing…
Symptoms:  Growing like a weed! Little backache, off balance, constipation this week but nothing 2 and a half glasses of Dr. Pepper didn’t cure- unfortunately that was my first consumption of caffeine throughout this whole pregnancy… I was HYYYPER!  
Gender:  TBA
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Half exists while the other half, well; it’s been missing for a few days…  
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super happy this week! 
Looking forward to: The next couple of Dr. Appointments coming up! Things are going by so fast!    
Milestones:  This week, their skin will become covered with a waxy-like substance called vernix, which will protect their skin from becoming scratched or chapped.  They are also starting to produce meconium, the result of digestion, which will accumulate in their bowels and eventually pass during delivery or in their first diaper.  They are approximately 6.5 inches and the size of Small Cantaloupes and weigh around 10.6 oz apiece. 

Thoughts from Daddy: I’m just glad to see them progressing well and healthily every time we return to the doctor.
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