Dec 31, 2010

2011 New Years Resolution

Making a resolution is the act of "resolving" something.  Most people have made resolutions to better their life in one way or another.  But I have past the point in my life where my life doesn't need resolving.  In the past 5 years I have had the most hostile trials that life could throw at me,  I think most of you know what these are and there is no need to address them.  I can honestly say that I have experienced more in life at the age of 24 than most grown people at the age of 50 can say for themselves.  John and I will be married for 5 years in 4 days and we get along better than most marriages in their 20 years,  we even beat the odds of a military marriage (thank you Raiden) and that says a lot.  Only us and 1 other couple are still married out of all the marriages in Johns last unit.  We are more financially stable than over 80% of the people we know.  We are literally happy and healthy for the first time in a long time and there really isn't anything I would like to resolve in the up coming year.. I  am so grateful and thankful for what I have that I could not ask for anything better.  Why in the world would I want to fix that?! --There was a time when I would have never thought I would say anything remotely close to that!!

So after long contemplation, my new years resolution is just this:  To live life... 

With that being said, I hope that you don't take the things in life for granted and that you can accept the things you cannot change and maybe next year your life won't need "resolving" either! Be thankful for what you have because someone out there might just have it worse than you, I know because I have been there...

Now let's ring in the new year right!!!!
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