Mar 16, 2008

Ignorance is Bliss? more like Ignorance=Just fucking Stupid

I have found that the definition of the word bliss doesnt fit this blog at all, for the true definition of it is just this....
–noun - supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment: wedded bliss. ..
*And that, my friends, is why I chose the subject line that I did so carefully....
So here is a story that happend last night, that I’m just not too happy about at all... In fact, I’m beyond pissed, if there is even a beyond after pissed... So follow me here in the oblivion of BITCH-ASSNESS!!!
Get this!!!! This mother fucker comes in at almost 3 in the am and is drunk off his ass, acting all weird like standing at the front door for like five minutes silent before he moves to the bathroom, then he goes upstairs, so John and I decide okay its late, lets go to bed... SO we are laying in bed and we hear him puking!!!!! So we go to open his door and its locked!!! So I pick the fucking lock with a bobbypin and he’s laying on the floor in the dark with puke, not just any kind of puke, GREEN puke, and piss all over the floor and his pants!! SO I’m yelling and screaming telling him to get his ass up... And he ends up going to the downstairs bathroom, our clean clothes and clothes we are still washing, are in there mind you.... And he locks the door in there, and he’s in there for fucking ever... By then, John and I are so pissed beyond repair its not even funny.... So John, no shit, kicks the door down!!!! And what to our wondering eyes should appear??? This motherfucker SHIT HIMSELF!! And was trying to wash his underwear and shirt in the washing machine!!! And then, since John kicked the door down and he was butt ass naked, he tries to cover up with one of our CLEAN towels that we just washed and gets shit alllll over it! So he has shit from head to toe, smeared all over his back... And it stunk so fucking bad!!!!! And when John opened up the washing machine, the water was so brown you couldnt even tell what was in it!!!!! So John made him get out of the house, and to take his sopping wet shirt and underwear out of the washer, and the mother fucker stuck his hand in arm deep shitty water and got his clothes, and gets shitty water all over my house! And then he wouldnt leave so I pretended to call PMO (military police for those of you who arent down with the Corps lingo) and he finally left!!!!!! I was so pissed.. So now my house smells like shit and puke! I’m uberly discusted and just dont understand how someone who is 20 years old doesnt know how to wipe his own ass let alone shit in a fucking toilet, and end up getting his fucking FECES all over him and everything he touches... Just Yuck, plain yuck! Well my house will be spotless by the end of the day or I will kill him... Which I left out that I did threaten his life with a broom if he wouldnt get out of my house... But you know how normal people swing it like a bat, not me, I had it like a spear and I was aiming for his eyeballs... So next time you come to my house people make sure you know how to use the restroom in a proper manner!!!
LOVE YOU ALL! Thanks for tuning in!!

Mar 6, 2008

Does Anyone Know? // The Shopping Trip

Does Anyone Know?

Does anyone know what today should be?
Anyone else or is it only me?

Does anyone know how great today would have been,
If you would have come now, instead of then.

It seems people forget; to them it is just another day.
But for me, I just can’t think of it that way.

My heart aches and I can’t stop the tears.
I keep on wishing that you were still here.

Others just don’t understand why, today, I mourn.
Today is a special day; the day you should have been born

**In honor of my son, John Raiden Gauge
Born sleeping January 16, 2008**
Author Heather Will

The Shopping Trip
Linda Vicory

As I persue the aisles,
of the local store,
I see things more differently,
than I ever have before.

"Daddy’s Little Angel",
the embroidered bibs do read.
But, Daddy’s angel is in Heaven,
and bibs he does not need.

He does not need a bottle,
a dress or a toy.
Of buying those things for him,
we shall never know the joy.

There are tiny jars of baby food,
that he will never eat,
And shiny shoes with buckles,
that will never touch his feet.

As the bikes and trikes taunt me,
from high up on the rack,
Tears will break free from my eyes,
if I dare look back.

I run off to the restroom,
to blow my nose and cry.
I wipe my eyes, swallow hard,
and let out a sigh.

I must go face the paper,
college and wide rule,
That my little angel,
will never use in school.

I hurry past the greeting cards,
that the people chose with care,
And I am reminded,
of the holidays we shall not share.

In the checkout line I bow my head,
and heavy is my heart,
For the family right in front of me,
has a newborn in their cart.

Shopping in the local store,
used to be mundane.
Now every aisle’s full of items,
which remind me of my pain.

So, quick as I can, I give the cashier,
the money from my purse,
And hurry away from those who don’t know my pain,
in this foreignly happy universe.

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